Learn from Reps to Drive Changes for Next Year

Strong sales leaders make the effort to understand what went right and what could be improved from one year before diving headlong into the next. Many factors enter into the results for the year. As you consider them all, place an emphasis on hearing from the reps themselves.

The difference between a good and great year, for many salespeople, revolves around the amount of time they spend strategizing for the coming year. Email this questionnaire to your sales staff - adding or deleting a few items as it pertains to your individual situation.

  • How satisfied are you with your income this year?

  • If you are dissatisfied, how can I help you improve that?

  • What would you like to earn this coming year?

  • In which areas do you feel you did a good job and in which areas do you think you need improvement?
    (circle one per row)

Networking Good job Need improvement
Prospecting Good job Need improvement
Identifying decision maker Good job Need improvement
Discovery calls Good job Need improvement
Demos Good job Need improvement
Proposals Good job Need improvement
Closing Good job Need improvement
Working with current accounts Good job Need improvement
  • In the areas where you feel you did a good job, how can I help you continue to progress?

  • In the areas where you feel you need improvement, how can I help you better your skills?

  • What sale are you most proud of this year and why?

  • What did you do to make that sale happen?

  • How can we make sure you close more sales like that next year?

  • What sale were you most disappointed to lose?

  • What factors caused you to lose that sale?

  • What can we learn from it, so that it occurs less frequently?

  • Of your current accounts, which one realized the biggest increase in sales?

  • What made that happen?

  • Of your current accounts, which one was a disappointment to you this year?

  • What factors brought about that disappointment?

  • If I could do one thing as a manager that would help you exceed quota this year, what would it be?

  • If the company could make one change that would help you exceed quota this year, what would it be?

Sales leaders sometimes express concern that an exercise like this results in reps not being forthcoming or making unrealistic demands. That does happen. The good news - it occurs with a minority of reps.

You know the salespeople on your staff likely to respond this way. Meet with them in advance. Ask them to approach the questionnaire seriously. Let them know their feedback is to you. Remind them of a time when they offered opinions that helped you be a better sales leader.

The good news - the vast majority of your sales staff will take this seriously, providing thoughtful and sometimes surprising answers. Concentrate on and celebrate those reps.

After reading their responses, schedule a one-on-one with each salesperson to assign responsibility, attach dates, and track execution for the agreed upon improvements and initiatives.

Have an enjoyable holiday season with family and friends!

Strengthening Product Knowledge

A reader writes, "My salesforce's product knowledge is weak. In conversation with or when accompanying them on sales calls I'm often surprised by the misinformation they provide clients. As a company, I wonder if we do a good job with product training and would welcome suggestions for improvement. "

I applaud you for observing this and wanting to proactively address the situation.

The Reality

When companies offer product training it's typically a fire hose of information provided during the first week or two of new hire orientation. After that, leaders assume reps have all the information needed. Little additional training gets offered.

A Salesperson's Learning Curve

Picture a newly hired salesperson. They must learn how to: craft appropriate voice and emails, speak with customers, ask discovery questions, and address customer objections. Besides all that they need to study the competition, navigate an unfamiliar CRM system and figure out how the coffee maker works.

With all that going on, thinking salespeople will be product experts inside of just a few weeks is an unrealistic of management.


After intensive product training salespeople might feel they're being told, "We provided hours of training. You should know the products inside and out."

Reps feel intimidated. This keeps them from doing the very thing you want them to do: asking questions about a product they aren't comfortable with yet.

30 Day Increments

Revamp the training. Start by working with your product manager, head of engineering and other relevant employees. Write 30 - 60- 90 across the top of a white board and the names of your product(s) down the left hand side.

As a group, brainstorm about what facts / features / benefits a rep should have a realistic grasp of at the 30th, 60th, and 90th day of their tenure. This exercise allows the company to present the information in way that gives reps the opportunity to learn the product over time.


After designing the 30-60-90 day curriculum, create accompanying quizzes. This enables you to see any gaps in reps' product knowledge.

Create a positive culture change. View any gaps as positive - now you know where to focus additional training.

Always be Training

Product training should take place at regular intervals throughout a rep's entire career. Product specialists should attend at least one sales staff meeting a month.

Ask them to present on particular product. Require each rep to come prepared to ask one question. Give the salesperson asking the best question a gift certificate. Have some fun with it.

I never fail to be amazed when tenured reps ask as many questions, and benefit as much, if not more, than newly hired reps during the staff meetings. We all need booster or refresher product training from time to time.

Product Partner

Pair each rep with a partner from the group of product experts within the company. Make sure the salespeople feel comfortable with their assigned partner Let the product expert know how their collaboration with the rep contributes to driving increased sales revenue.

Limit the Number of Products

Give reps an overview of all the products during orientation, but provide in-depth training on just a few at first. Concentrate on the best sellers initially.

Customer Experience

Few exercises teach salespeople more than watching customers use the product in their place of business. Where possible, ask trusted clients if they would be willing to let the rep hang out for a while and observe the end user.

Final Thoughts

View product training as an ongoing company mission week in and week out, as opposed to a one-time only intensive training session. Over time, you'll see the reps make fewer mistakes when fielding product related questions from prospects.

Mid-Stage Deal Reviews

A reader writes, "When reviewing the prospects on my reps' sales forecasts, I ask questions like, "Who is the decision maker?" or "Which providers are we competing against?" Often, they don't have that critical information. This always leaves me surprised and frustrated. I've coached them repeatedly on asking questions to gain that type of data. How do I handle this?

Good job in asking probing questions. My suggestions for improving the situation may surprise you, though: when this occurs, some of the blame rests with the sales leader.

Early Stage Deals

Many sales leaders maximize their involvement at the beginning and the end of a potential sale. When the rep first enters a prospect into the CRM pipeline, there's great excitement. The salesperson has likely worked hard to get a foothold into this company. The possibilities for the deal, at least initially, seem limitless.

With both of you motivated to discuss it, you probably ask a lot of questions initially. But you don't expect the rep to have all the answers - just yet.

End Stage Deals

As the prospective deal works its way through the rep's pipeline and onto the forecast, sales leaders become more involved again. At this point, they expect reps to have certain answers. When the rep can't provide critical information, they have to question the validity and percentage chance of the sale closing.

The Middle

Unless asked to accompany the rep on a call or participate in a phone conversation with the account, many well-meaning sales leaders leave the rep alone when potential sales reach the middle of the sales cycle.

Reasons for this vary including: lack of time, desire to avoid micro-managing, or assuming reps can handle the deal during the mid-stages.

Sometimes, though, they aren't sure how to coach the rep during this part of the sales cycle.

Rep Interaction

What questions should you ask of the reps when prospective sales are at this stage - the kinds that get the answers you need before this deal makes its way onto the forecast?

Take a look at all of the reps deals in the mid-way point of the pipeline. During your next one-on-one with the salesperson ask the following in a conversational tone:

  • At this juncture, have you identified the decision maker?

  • If this is a group decision, have you identified all the group members?

  • Have you reached out to each one and introduced yourself?

  • Can you identify your sponsor within the group?

  • Which team members might be in favor of selecting another provider?

  • How does their buying process work?

  • What other vendors are being considered?

  • What are the chances they stay with their current vendor?

  • Do they have a selection date in mind?

  • Have you talked budgets in some detail?

Reps may have the answers to some / all / or none of these questions.

If the majority remains unanswered, keep the deal at the current pipeline stage (or move it a step or two back). Coach the rep to start getting the information necessary to move the deal forward. Role play with them until they feel comfortable.

Sales Forecasts

For a deal to make it onto the sales forecast, reps should be able to answer 100% of these questions - and a few I'm not mentioning here because I don't know anything about your particular company's product or service.

Don't wait for a sales forecast review to find out a rep lacks this essential information. Spend more time with them during the middle stages of deal development. In this way, you avoid most unwelcome surprises at the month's or quarter's end.

Sales Leader Aims to Coach Reps More

A reader writes, "Every sales leadership podcast, webinar and audio book I've listened to stresses coaching as the primary job of a sales leader. Most of those speakers / authors recommend sales leaders spend 50% of their time on coaching. I probably spent 10 - 15% of my time doing so in 2018. In 2019, I have set a goal to reach that 50% mark. Any tips for increasing my chances of succeeding?"

Congratulations on realizing the importance of coaching and setting such an ambitious goal. Here are some suggestions:

Changing Work Habits

Many sales leaders devote the majority of their working hours to sitting in meetings, answering email, and reviewing sales reports. To substantially increase coaching time, you need to decrease time spent on other activities.

Ask yourself which activities fill up your calendar but add little value in terms of exceeding your sales revenue quota. Think about how you might eliminate or scale back on those time wasters.

Enlist Support

Schedule a meeting to talk to with your direct supervisor about coaching specifically. Find out where she stands on your desire to increase your coaching hours. Might she be willing to let you out of a meeting or two or jettison a few reports? Seek advice.

Whether or not she champions your idea, keep her apprised of your progress and "wins" such as increased productivity from you reps, including more conversations with decision makers, product demos, and closed sales.

Ease In

Going from 15% to 50% instantly might prove difficult, especially if you lack support in the beginning. Aim for a solid 25%, increasing the amount of time steadily each month.

You might avoid making a major announcement to the sales staff about this new increase in coaching time. This could cause unnecessary angst. Simply add hours gradually and with little fanfare.

If reps notice or ask, be candid. Let them know you're putting a greater emphasis on coaching this year.

Learn all You Can

Combine your desire to spend more time coaching with learning how to coach more effectively. Gaining confidence in your coaching abilities naturally leads to more time spent coaching.

Excellent reads include: Coaching Salespeople Into Sales Champions by Keith Rosen and Sales Coaching: Making the Great Leap from Sales Manager to Sales Coach by Linda Richardson. Through examples and worksheets, both books help to increase your skill and comfort level with providing feedback.

Make a Date

Whether dealing with a field or phone rep or speaking remotely or face-to-face, block out time on your calendar to work with each sales representative you manage. Start with half-hour blocks. Don't forget to make it fun.

Refuse to let anything but the direst of emergencies interfere with that time slot. Treat it as an unbreakable appointment.

It All Counts

A quick conversation with a rep about what she'd like to accomplish on her next phone call to a client. Texting a rep a few last minute suggestions before he makes a presentation to a prospect. Impromptu role-playing with a rep struggling with a client's objection. That's coaching too. Not every interaction has to involve a pre-scheduled session.

Brief, impactful conversations help reps as well - sometimes even more.


While you might want a rep to improve her closing skills, achieve more customer participation during product demos and listen more actively after asking discovery questions - you realize the greatest success as a coach when you address on one area at a time. Working on several at once confuses the rep.

Together, select one skill set to work on, set milestones and realize marked improvement before moving on to another skill.

Final Thoughts

Much of our work as sales leaders involves looking at past performance (monthly or quarterly revenue results / performance standards). Coaching looks to the future. We're investing in a rep and helping them improve their skills for the upcoming sales calls they'll be making. Everyone wins.

Spotting a Future Sales Manager

As company president, I've managed the sales force for many years. Revenue has increased to the point where I feel comfortable creating a sales management position. My CEO group has cautioned me not to promote the sales superstar into that role. I agree. She would not like managing people. I'd like to hire internally. What signs should I look for? How do I identify the best candidate?

Good forethought and judgment on your part for avoiding the obvious - promoting your top salesperson. It rarely works. Consider these points when spotting a potential leader.

"B" Player

Perhaps surprisingly to readers, strong sales managers usually come from the "B" or "B+" ranks of salespeople, not the "A" ranks. These "B" players have solid sales skills and surpass quota regularly, but they are not the team superstar. They usually have had to work harder to build their skills.

Know this as a starting point. It guides your ultimate decision.


Once you've identified the top internal candidates, talk to them about their interest level. Ask those showing interest to take a sales leadership assessment. If they score poorly for management aptitude, believe the results and move forward with other reps.

Next, consider these factors.

New Hire Orientation

When you on-board new salespeople, which rep(s) do you rely on to help train them? Which one(s) do the best job of:

  • conveying product knowledge: value proposition, link to customer's business issues, competitive differentiators, benefits, etc.

  • representing the company in a positive light

  • explaining company policies and procedures

If reps enjoy participating in training a new hire, that's a positive sign.

Aiming to Master

Who among those you're considering has spoken to peers, listened to podcasts, attended webinars, read books and downloaded whitepapers to become competent or stronger in one or more areas of sales?

Being observant about ones own weaknesses makes a manager better at understanding those of others.

Ideally, sales leaders spend over 50% of their time coaching. If every aspect of sales hasn't come easily to them, they have the ability to relate to and work with salespeople experiencing difficulties and / or trying to take their performance to the next level.

Showing Interest

Before this opportunity presented itself, have any of the reps ever asked you about:

  • managing salespeople and employees in other departments

  • books you've read on the subject

  • likes and dislikes of the job

Those interested in someday managing others, express a curiosity about the day-to-day responsibilities.


When dealing with difficult clients, intra-company disagreements, or tough to close deals, do these reps seek out your assistance? At least consider what you have to say? How often do they take your advice? If they disagree with you, do they do so in a professional manner?

Will they be willing to accept that a rep might out-earn them due to the larger commission potential of most rep vs. manager compensation plan? This happens in high performing organizations.

Managing others takes a lot of emotional maturity. Do they exhibit this as reps?


Does the rep(s) have a repeatable, systematic approach to the job of being a salesperson? Do they schedule time for prospecting, keep their pipeline full and turn their forecasts in on time?

Success in the sales management position involves having a system. They must hold reps accountable when they don't reach targets and make deadlines. This proves difficult for reps who cannot do it for themselves.

Role Model

Which reps in the group tend to be the most professional representatives of the company? Who walks the line between doing right by their customers while at the same time upholding company pricing and policies? Will their former colleagues respect them as a manager after the promotion?

This counts, because salespeople work for the customer while sales leaders work for the company. Who would be able to make that transition and who would not?

Suggestions for Success

The average tenure of a sales leader now stands at about 18 months. Before they spend one minute in their new role do the following:

  • Sign them up for formal sales management training. This helps them learn how to structure the job.

  • Hire a sales management coach for at least one to two business quarters. The coach helps them maximize their strengths and address their weaknesses.

Taking into consideration some of the points I've made and questions I've raised, as well as acting on the suggestions for success, increase the likelihood of your newly appointed sales leader thriving in the role.

Reacting to Constructive Criticism

A reader writes, "Recently, my boss gave me my annual review. I'm the Director of Sales. Though I received solid marks overall, he mentioned a few areas I need to work on: motivating the sales group and turning in a more accurate sales forecast. After he made the critical comments, I felt embarrassed and angry. I tried to stay calm during the rest of the conversation but said little after the critiques. What do I do now?"

Hearing about weaknesses - no matter how accurate or carefully said - stings at first. To progress professionally, we need to accept - and take action on - constructive criticism.

Reframe Your Thinking

Every day, I speak with and coach sales leaders who have never received a performance review or coaching from their direct supervisor. They know they could do their job better - and want to - but aren't sure where to start. These sales leaders would welcome any type of guidance.

Your boss took the time to write a balanced review. He was also candid about a few of your shortcomings. The ones he mentioned - motivation and sales forecasts - are critical to your future success. If you neglect to acknowledge the importance of and put some effort into improving these essential skills it could prove career limiting at some point.

Appreciate his ability to speak directly to these issues.

Respond More Appropriately

When he made comments that were not to your liking, you didn't blow up or openly disagree - you shut down. Having given many performance reviews myself, I can tell you there's a fundamental awkwardness to them. He probably gave careful consideration to his critical comments and may have even rehearsed what he had to say to you. You demonstrated a lack of ability to react in a mature, measured fashion. That's career limiting too.

Nothing that's happened here can't be undone. Speak with your boss again. Acknowledge shutting down and apologize.

Let him know you heard what he had to say about areas for improvement. Then ask which one of the two he thinks needs the most attention. Sometimes both areas need equal attention, other times we're far weaker in one area that another. That's good information to have.

End the talk by telling him that you'd like to create an improvement plan.

The Plan

Conduct research on both topics. Assemble a list of webinars, podcasts, books, and white papers on the topics your boss wants you to focus on. Then put together a schedule for tackling the material.

Think Locally

Many professionals ignore the expert right in front of them - their direct supervisor. He has a lot of expertise to share. Before completing you improvement plan, show it to him and ask for his input. See if he has any suggestions.

He's asking you to improve your motivation skills. Ask about his philosophy and experiences around motivating reps. Do the same for sales forecasting. This helps you and strengthens the relationship.

Take the initiative and schedule regular meetings to update your direct supervisor on your progress. Don't leave that up to him. Listen to what he has to say about the progress he sees you making in both areas.

What Not to Do

Refrain from requesting outside training or coaching right now. While you would benefit from some of the excellent programs available, you need to first prove to your boss that you can follow through on the plan you've put together.


Become a professional able to handle performance evaluations and accept coaching. If you do, you'll receive advice and support from this boss and others along the way. More than likely, you'll earn more money and be considered for other promotions.

Manage a Rep You Don't Like?

A client asks, "For several years now, I've managed a salesperson (hired by a predecessor) that I just don't care for. An above-average producer, this rep is liked by peers and others in the company. I dread one-on-one meetings, traveling with her to call on accounts and providing coaching feedback. All interactions make me uncomfortable. What should I do?"

This matter comes up frequently with my clients. Don't feel you're alone.

First Things First

Pat yourself on the back. Yes. Do it. Why? It takes emotional maturity to acknowledge your feelings. When I coach clients struggling to work with a rep, it takes them quite a while to acknowledge they just don't care for the individual.

Saying it out loud, they tell me, feels like an admission of failure. Once they do say it, however, they express a sense of relief.

Make a List

Go someplace you don't ordinarily work (different conference room, empty cubicle, the library). In this new environment, list the rep's positive qualities.

Most people struggle at first. Once they get going on this project, though, the attributes start to come quickly. They could include: giving the best product demo in the group, always helping with new hires or asking good questions during staff meetings.

As the list of positives grows longer, sales leaders begin to see the salesperson in a more neutral light. It's a light bulb moment for many.

Objective Data

Having both the sales leader and sales reps take an independent assessment often helps the situation. The sales leader compares their traits, strengths, and challenges with those of the rep in question.

Sometimes the contrasting personalities show that neither party was destined to get along very well. This unbiased information relieves some of the pressure and enables sales leaders to view the rep differently.

Work Together

As you put together sales plans for each rep, pay special attention to your goals for the salesperson you don't get along with. Think about a sales skill you feel they need to improve.

Read a book or white paper together or listen to a webinar or two on that particular skill. Discuss what the rep learned. Agree on next steps and meet again to review their progress. A joint venture that ultimately improves the rep's performance takes some of the personality issues out of the equation.


Sometimes you just don't care for a particular person. We all wish this weren't the case (it sure would make things easier), but unfortunately it happens.

Follow my recommendations. I predict you'll see an improvement in your thoughts about and interactions with this salesperson. Remember, good salespeople aren't easy to find. You don't want to lose the rep. That motivates most sales leaders to put in the extra effort.

12 Essential Sales Management Principles

Setting New Years' goals has always been a great idea. I set them myself. The process helps me review the positives and negatives of the prior year and focus my efforts for the year ahead.

However, most of us need a set of guiding principles that inspire in January, April and August - anytime during the year.

I'd like to share my sales management principles with you:

  • Set challenging sales revenue goals

  • Break those goals down into manageable pieces (monthly / quarterly)

  • Communicate progress towards the revenue goal regularly

  • Know the greatest strength and biggest shortcoming for each salesperson

  • Produce an individualized sales plan for every rep

  • Commit to their continuous improvement

  • Hold all reps accountable to revenue goals and sales plans

  • Take action with non-producers

  • Cultivate potential future sales leaders

  • Banish negativity

  • Be relentlessly positive

  • Stay focused on your role: coaching and motivating the sales representatives

Last week, I posted these principles on LinkedIn and asked other sales leadership professionals to share theirs. People responded with interesting and thoughtful comments. If you have a guiding principle you'd like to share, please comment on my post.

Short Sales Leadership Tenures

A reader writes, "In the last five years I have had three different sales leadership positions at three different companies. I was laid off from the first position, resigned from the second to accept a job at the third and got laid off again. This experience has been stressful and damaged my confidence. More than anything, I want to stop this from happening again. What steps should I take?"

Let's start with some simple math. Five years equals 60 months. With three different jobs, you've averaged 20 months per stay. Regrettably, you're right on track. Sales leaders last, on average, less than two years in the job. Sometimes, it helps (a little, anyway) to know you have company. Sales leaders (sales managers, directors of sales, VP's of sales) rarely enjoy long tenures.

Take an Assessment

Before you accept another position, make sure you have the necessary competencies and skills. Talented reps (of which you were probably one) don't necessarily make talented sales leaders. If you haven't already, take an assessment specifically geared toward the sales profession. Avoid general personality assessments or deals that seem to good to be true.
Should the assessment show you not to be a strong candidate to manage others, take that seriously. You'll have to work hard to succeed.

If it shows you have the capabilities to manager others but shows some areas of weakness, pay close attention. Hone in on those and get some training or coaching to help you address any problem areas.

Conduct Your Own 360°

Go back two jobs, contacting your direct supervisor and a few reps you managed. People sometimes speak more freely when enough time has passed. Ask them for a candid evaluation of you management abilities. 

Be brave. Include a rep you suspect didn't enjoy working for you. We're talking about your career here and you need to understand what's happening. Explain why you need this information. Not everyone will agree to participate, but some will, especially if enough time has passed.

Once you've completed this exercise, look at the notes you took when speaking to the different individuals. What did you learn? Were there any "Aha!" moments and patterns?

Break Down Past Interviews

Think about the interview processes you went through for you prior positions.

  • What questions were you asked?  
  • Which ones did you find to be the most effective and thought provoking?
  • What questions did you ask?
  • What did you not ask that you should have?  
  • Did you get the answers you were looking for?
  • Who interviewed you and how many times?  
  • Did you meet a wide range of employees or remain almost entirely in the sales department?  

If you kept notes from past interviews, look them over. Be aware of inconsistencies or red flags.


When you formally accepted these three jobs, did the responsibilities you took on bare any resemblance to what you learned in the interview process? What came as the biggest surprises (negatives and positives)?  Did you experience any significant let downs? Think about any "If I had known this beforehand" moments.  

Create columns on a spreadsheet for the three past sales leadership jobs. List the various pros and cons for each one. Again, look for patterns.

Final Thoughts

The four exercises I recommend should help you develop a better understanding of yourself as a sales leader as well as what might have gone wrong with past jobs. It's important work.

In next month's newsletter, I will address the job interview itself, making specific recommendations about questions you should ask throughout the process.

Qualifying Questions - A Sales Manager's Best Friend

A reader writes, "One of my reps gets really excited after meeting with a potential new customer. He then puts in a request for a sales engineer to accompany him on the next visit to this prospect. Unfortunately, he usually gets very incomplete information from the decision maker. It's costly for me to send the SE out to speak with poorly qualified possible buyers.

"Having accompanied him on several unproductive visits, the SEs have lost trust in this rep, pushing back about visiting clients with him. I can't blame them. How do I make this rep understand the importance of getting certain information from prospects before I commit additional company resources?"

Many of my clients struggle with a lack of proper qualifying information from their reps. These suggestions should help.

The Root Cause

This goes back to the fear of rejection. First, reps worry about asking too many questions - the potential client might get annoyed and refuse to answer some of them or shut down altogether. Then, if they do answer the questions, reps fear discovering the prospect might not really need their product or service. That's one less prospect to put in the pipeline.

What Do You Need to Know?

Before speaking to the rep, make a list of the questions you need answered before authorizing a sales engineer visit. Of those questions, determine which two or three are absolutely essential.   

Stay flexible, though. Sometimes prospects can't or won't answer every single question. With other prospects it might take multiple contacts from the rep to qualify them. Don't always expect a "one and done" to get the required information.

Define the Term

Make sure the rep understands the definition of a qualifying question. Explain that these critically important inquiries determine whether or not a prospect can potentially use your product or service. The answers don't guarantee a customer will buy, just that they could buy.   

High performing reps use these valuable questions to decide if they should spend any more of their valuable time with a prospect.

Be Clear

Go over the list of qualifying questions you put together.  Say something to the rep like, "I need you to ask these questions to determine whether or not sending an SE out makes sense. You must get answers to a minimum of 7 out of 10 and numbers 1 and 2 are required. Without answers to those, I cannot justify a visit from a sales engineer."

Reinforce the Behavior

Ask this rep to pick out a book on early stage prospect qualification. Many excellent ones exist. Have them read and discuss it with you. 

Help the rep get comfortable through practice. During staff meetings, role play. Take turns having the salespeople play the part of the rep and the decision maker and ask each other qualifying questions. Discuss afterwards.

Do the Math

Determine the approximate cost of sending an SE out on a sales call. Include travel as well as pre-call preparation and post-call follow-ups. Share this information with the rep.  Demonstrate the expense involved in meeting with an inadequately qualified prospect.  

Make Necessary Changes

If after a period of time, the reps report consistently struggling to get certain questions answered, look into it.  Run the question by peers or a few trusted customers. Find out whether or not they would answer it. Why or why not?  The question might need to be re-worked, eliminated, or used further into the sales process.

Final Thoughts

Successful salespeople ask high value, insightful questions to develop solid rapport with prospects. The information they bring back helps the sales support staff and their direct supervisors prepare for productive meetings with potential new clients.

Advice from Sales Leaders

To continuously improve and grow in our chosen profession as sales leaders we:  listen to webinars, read books, follow other sales and business leaders on social media, attend training classes, join professional organizations and talk to industry and professional peers.  

Along the way, there's always that one piece of advice that stays with us. This year, I asked these six accomplished sales leaders to tell me about the best sales management advice they've ever received. Here were their responses.

"Sales leaders serve both customers and your sales team. Sales leaders must make every effort to stay as close as possible to the front line, facing and meeting with customers as well as the sales team. Sales leaders must constantly view the environment they are creating and the culture they are fostering from both the customers position and the sales person's view point. It is a delicate and ongoing balancing act. Bottom line... always be listening."


Frank Costanzo
SVP Sales and Business Development, Caliper
Objective, accurate employee assessment instruments.


"It's all about sales results. But if you just focus on sales results, you might not get there. Know what causes sales, what causes that order to happen. If I can understand that, then I can measure, monitor, and coach to raise the expectation of that behavior, in turn getting the sales result."


Ken Pfrommer
VP of Sales, Kenseal Construction Products, A Division of A.H. Harris
Innovative solutions in waterproofing, glass and glazing, restoration, and building envelope.


"Assuming you are aligned in your goals and objectives, whenever possible, have a collaborative relationship with your rep by working with them as opposed to dictating and mandating."


Mike Waldron
VP of Sales, Xactly Corporation
Cloud-based incentive compensation solutions for employee and sales performance management.


"You don't have all the answers. Always be seeking the advice of others. When possible incorporate the advice of others into your work, especially advice from the people actually doing the work. People never disagree with their own words."


Brian Donovan
North America Sales Trainer, HomeAway
Vacation rentals available to travelers through our online marketplace.


"One of my earliest mentors when I was taking on my first management role told me something that has always stuck with me. I know it's a pretty common saying but at the time I had never heard it.  He told me to, 'Always be a duck. Calm on the surface even when padding a million miles per hour under the water.'"


Christopher Rack
Chief Revenue Officer, PureB2B
Lead generation and data provider that connects marketers and buyers


"It is essential to listen to your salespeople and understand that each person is different. You need to manage each person according to their specific needs and personality in order to communicate your expectations effectively."


Matt Beirne
National Sales Manager, GIE Media, Inc.
Marketing and communications business-to-business media.


A big thank you to Frank, Ken, Mike, Brian, Christopher and Matt for giving my question serious thought and sharing your advice with my readers. I appreciate it very much.

Have a wonderful holiday season!

Acting on Assessment Results

A reader writes, "Earlier this year, I had my reps take a sales assessment. I reviewed the results with each of them, finding the information provided to be accurate and eye-opening. The problem - I haven't done anything with or about the assessments since. What do you recommend?"

This happens often. Sales leaders go through the assessment with the rep and then neglect to re-visit this powerful, career enhancing document.

Look At It Again

Sales leaders taking a second look at the reps' assessments tell me they get even more good information the second time around. They don't have the pressure of telling the rep some things they might not want to hear. They've also had time to consider the results, which they see validated when they monitor or accompany reps on calls.

Most conclude the assessment captured the salesperson's strengths and challenges very accurately.

Responses Vary

Salespeople have different reactions to the information provided, especially if they've never taken a sales assessment before.

  • Some focus only on the areas needing improvement and ignore any positives. They require some time to process the critiques and take a more balanced view of the results.
  • Others have no idea what their areas of strength are.  They just get out there every day and sell. Having the test point out and validate their talents serves as great motivation.  
  • Ambitious reps see it as a vehicle for increasing their income. If they can address a few of the weaknesses, they can earn more money.

Though rare, sometimes reps shut down. They consider the information nonsense and want little to do with discussing the results.  

Most reps, after thinking it over, see the comments and critiques as valid.  


Prior to the next regularly scheduled monthly or quarterly one-on-one meeting with the rep, tell them you want to discuss their assessment again. Ask them to review the document before the two of you talk.

Start the conversation by asking them open-ended questions like:

  • Now that you've had some time to consider the results, what are your thoughts?
  • What surprised you the most?
  • Have you changed anything about your sales approach based on some of the comments?
  • What findings did you disagree with?

Let them talk. Let a little silence fall while they process their thoughts. Resist jumping in or arguing with any conclusion they've come to.  

Moving Forward

Together, look at the suggested areas of improvement and discuss only one or two specifically. Continue to ask questions such as:

  • Have you become more aware of this since we first looked at the assessment?
  • How do you think it affects your sales performance?

Create a plan for reading a book on the topic, participating in targeted on-line training, and observing other reps who excel in this area. Attach dates, goals and outcomes. When working together, discuss the particular issue right after a sales call or appointment.


Many companies provide guides or workbooks to accompany the assessments. If available, I recommend purchasing them for each rep. These documents use the same terminology as the assessment and help to focus coaching sessions.

Casual Check-ins

Look for other opportunities, besides one-on-one meetings, to coach reps on areas for improvement. Email or pick up your cell phone frequently. Say to the rep, "I saw you called on LHS Associates this morning. How did it go? Were you able to try the response we came up with to the configuration objection?"

These calls remind salespeople that you want to see them succeed. It also reinforces the new behaviors the two of you are working so hard to make part of their regular routine.

Final Thoughts

Assessments aren't a one-and-done event. As a sales leader you want to turn it into a working document that you refer to throughout the rep's tenure with your organization.

Keeping a Star Rep

A reader writes, "Recently, one of my best sales reps expressed interest in becoming a sales manager. While I think he has the qualities to succeed as a leader, I have no plans to create a sales management position. I supervise the sales staff and plan to do so until I retire or sell the company - both events are many years away. An excellent rep, I would like him to remain with the company for as long as possible.  How do I handle this situation?"

Support him in every way possible.  

Education as a Benefit

Companies of all sizes offer full or partial tuition reimbursement programs for a reason. They know those who learn and grow make better employees. People capitalizing on these programs tend to have longer tenures with their organizations.

Offer to pay for all or part of a sales management training program. Be clear about the maximum the company will spend and any other conditions attached - like achievement of a minimum grade.

Provide Some Experience

Put this rep in charge of a project. It doesn't necessarily need to involve direct management of others. You might be considering changing CRM vendors, starting an inside sales group, purchasing new lead tracking software, or improving communications between marketing and sales.

See if he has any interest in creating or heading up a committee to begin looking into any one of these initiatives.

Act as a Mentor

Share your management know-how and wisdom. Agree to have lunch with this rep once a month to discuss your experiences supervising people. Talk about what you find challenging and what you enjoy. Recommend books or tapes that have positively influenced your career.

Always keep in mind, this person still works for you, and use good judgment in considering what subjects get covered.  Speak in general terms. Never talk about current employees specifically. When discussing an experience with a past employee, don't name names.  

Make Introductions

Ask professional contacts currently managing employees if they would be willing to meet the salesperson for coffee to discuss their experiences. Hearing from people outside of the company helps provide a fuller perspective.

Why Do Any of This?

Those interested in pursuing a management position eventually find a way. Sometimes reps leave a job where they're perfectly happy to accept a sales position with a company offering management opportunities.

If this salesperson starts down that path, you now manage a distracted job-hunter as opposed to a focused sales representative. Instead, embrace and encourage their ambition. Grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow, they'll likely remain productive and on the job for some time to come.

The Flip Side

Most sales reps at some point in their career consider the possibility of becoming a sales manager. When you support the rep as they take a course and speak to other managers, they may come to the realization they either don't want or aren't ready to manage others. It happens.

While it looks glamorous from the outside, anyone managing people knows it to be anything but.

Final Thoughts

If this rep remains serious about pursuing a management position, and you have none, he will eventually go elsewhere. It's inevitable.  Having been supported and encouraged by you, he'll likely leave on very good terms, express gratitude for your help, and remain a great business contact. He may be in a position to do you a good turn at some future point.

Is Your Sales Rep Moonlighting?

A reader writes, "My company hired a sales representative for a territory far from headquarters. Shortly thereafter, I started to get the uneasy feeling she had two jobs. Sometimes, she missed our weekly staff conference calls. Other times, she was unreachable during certain hours of the day, or days of the week. She was achieving her sales goals, but not by much.

"A few weeks ago, she resigned. I would like to hire a rep for that territory again.  How do I protect against an employee holding a second job?"

Reps like this are salaried employees with your company. They should be singularly focused on your customers as well as developing extensive product knowledge over time. 

Technology allows most every company to place reps in territories all over the world. With this ability comes risk, such as not knowing where they are, or what they're doing with all of their time. Sometimes, these reps have another job.

David Sawyer, an expert with over 35 years in the private security industry and President of Safer Places, Inc., a background screening firm, offers the following advice:

Employment Contracts

Act preemptively. Your employment contract should clearly prohibit sales representatives from working a second job in sales.

Background Check

Require a background check as part of the hiring process. The release form most new hires sign gives permission for this check as long as they remain an employee. (This varies state-by-state.)  

Credit Reports

Ask your background screening company to run a credit report. Often, employers are listed near the top of this document.

Database Search

Many background screening firms outsource their employment verification to companies such as The Work Number (www.theworknumber.com). A search of this database may show title and dates of employment. If the dates are current, you'll know they have a second job.  


This agency is an excellent source for verifying salary and employers. However, they require a special release form to be signed for each search. Include this in your initial background check. Then, consider making it a policy to run an annual background check and include the IRS search every year.

Private Investigators

"I list this last," says David, "as it is the most expensive option. Investigators charge by the hour. If you're acting on a hunch, it could take quite a while keeping your employee under surveillance before you'll become satisfied that your hunch may be unfounded."

Final Thoughts

Clients with remote sales forces often worry about the sales reps having two jobs. I suggest adding specifics to the employment contract including:

  • Starting / ending times of the workday
  • Availability to be reached during the workday
  • Dates / times of staff meetings
  • Dates / times of quarterly or annual offsite sales meetings
  • Lead times for taking vacation / personal days

Most remote reps have considerable respect for their employers and work hard at their jobs. Only a small number "work the system." Don't let those few inhibit you from hiring a remote rep. Just make sure you have the safety net in place to help if you suspect the rep isn't on the up and up.

What to Do When a Rep Makes a Big Mistake

A client asks, "One of my better reps made a significant mistake with a major account.  She told me what happened and admitted it was her fault. Before this, no problems existed with the customer. I called two executives she deals with regularly and visited them in person. Promises were made, apologies accepted. We retained their business.  

"I always enjoyed a collegial, respectful business relationship with this rep. Since the incident, we have polite but awkward interactions. She seems upset.  Did I handle this situation correctly?"

You did what comes naturally - jumped in to save the day.  From her point of view, you showed little faith in her ability to right the wrong. Worse, you probably diminished her standing with this account.

In terms of client relations and her career development, consider handling things a little differently next time.

Acknowledge Her Candor

Whenever a rep approaches you about a potential screw-up, start with, "I appreciate you coming to me directly. Take a deep breath. Start from the beginning. Tell me what happened."

This acknowledges the rep has done the right thing by bringing the situation to your attention. It leads to a more productive conversation.

Hear the Rep Out

Just listen. Don't interrupt. Resist jumping in with suggestions or criticisms. Ask questions only to gain clarity.

Getting the facts gives you a clearer picture of the issue. Take a moment to gather your thoughts on how to proceed.


The company has the final say on client matters. But the rep handles this account. For their professional growth and future relationship with this client, make them part of the solution.  

Solicit their suggestions for fixing the problem. Formulate a plan together.

Call in Tandem

Depending on the severity of the situation, a face-to-face visit could be necessary or, a phone call or Skype might be sufficient. Either way, you need to be present during the conversation. Have the rep set-up the meeting.  

Prior to the meeting, tell the rep that they lead the discussion, offer solutions, and issue apologies where appropriate. When questions or comments get directed towards you, let the rep know you'll be turning the conversation back their way.  

Say to the rep, "I'll make a comment like, 'That's a fair question. Julie and I discussed this issue. She'll talk about the potential solution.'"

Julie takes it from there. If she stumbles or the call begins to go badly, you step in only when absolutely necessary. Redirect towards her as soon as possible.


Company leaders in this situation worry about how they'll come across if they let the rep steer the meeting. Many feel the customer will perceive them as:

  • Unaware of the details
  • Abdicating responsibility
  • Not taking the problem seriously

Your presence in the meeting speaks volumes. You're listening, taking notes, participating where appropriate - and most of all - supporting a salesperson you hired and entrusted with this account. You're not running away from anything.


Post-meeting, talk about what went on. Let the rep speak first.  Make your first comments positive. Be candid about areas needing some improvement. Help with any internal follow-up necessary to fix this problem.

Mentoring Employees

Leaders recognize, acknowledge, and develop talent. Any rep tasked with addressing and fixing a problem experiences a real learning moment. You earn their respect and loyalty.  Likely, they'll work harder for you and the organization going forward.

These rules apply when the company makes a mistake, not just the rep. If an order gets messed up, the rep should work to make it right, so as to maintain their customer relationship.

Explainer: Role of Sales Manager vs Sales VP

A reader writes, "I'm considering promoting my current sales manager to VP of sales. In the past, you've written newsletters about the risks of promoting a top salesperson to sales manager.  Are there risks in offering the VP job to a top performing sales manager? If so, what are they?"

Kudos to you for giving this potential promotion serious thought. So many times business leaders neglect to think it through. 

The two jobs differ. Just like transitioning from salesperson to sales manager alters what an individual does on a daily basis, the promotion requires the new VP to leave some aspects of their old job behind. They assume many new responsibilities.

To get his perspective, I spoke to Stan Davis of Standish Executive Search, who has placed many senior executives over his 11 years in the executive search business, and who previously served as a corporate resources executive and in-house organizational development leader for over 30 years.

Function versus Leadership

"A sales manager has direct supervisory responsibilities - problem solving, running meetings, disciplinary issues," Stan says. "But a VP of Sales takes part in the leadership of the company - influencing people, enacting change, developing and deploying talent."


Sales managers manage to the sales plan by accompanying reps on calls, tracking the rep's progress and holding them accountable for achieving quota.   

Stan adds, "Vice Presidents of Sales no longer plan just for themselves and the sales team. The sales plan is a component of the company plan.  They participate in planning for the whole organization now, and monitor the progress of sales through the sales managers."


Sales VP's, along with others on the executive team, work 12 - 18 months into the future on company-wide initiatives. They don't sell the product directly to customers anymore.  When considering someone for a VP role, Stan asks himself, "Can they build relationships with others to make sure the product works for the company financially, technically, and operationally?"


Salespeople typically receive a base salary and commission or bonus based on their individual performance. Sales managers most often get paid with base salary and commission or bonus commensurate with their group's performance. Sales VPs usually get compensated on overall company performance.  

Who Does Each Role Serve?

Sales reps call on customers. Sales managers serve the salespeople. Stan says, "Vice Presidents of Sales align themselves more directly with the shareholders, concerning themselves with earnings." 

Think Before You Begin

Many companies have a VP of Sales by title but not by actions. Sometimes this occurs because they think they should have one. On occasion companies fear looking small or unsophisticated if they lack someone carrying that title on their website. What does your organization really need?

Sales Manager
VP of Sales

Develop and implement company's sales plan
Responsible for quota attainment for a region or segment
Responsible for revenue production for the company
Hire and train new salespeople
Deploy sales force and sales managers as needed to achieve company plan
Check and manage daily / weekly sales activity and results by each rep
Monitor regional or segment activity and results by teams or sales units
Monitor CRM reporting / accuracy in support of VP and others
C- and Board- level reporting on revenue production
Coach / motivate reps
Coach managers / motivate managers and reps
Strategize with reps
Strategize on key accounts with managers and reps
Reassign / outplace underperforming reps
Reassign / outplace underperforming managers
Visit customers frequently
Visit customers occasionally

Final Thoughts

Hiring from within has its benefits. The candidate knows the company culture, customers, products and services. Other employees see promotions as real possibilities. Take the time needed to ensure you make the right decision for the employee and the company.

This article outlines the process a leader goes through when thinking about promoting a candidate from within. Next month I will write the questions leaders should ask before hiring for this position.

Lecture Less, Help More

Busy company leaders often lecture, pressure, or intimidate salespeople as a way to get them to achieve quota. They say things like, "I'm baffled by the fact that we don't do more business with software companies.  There are a million of them just in this area. You'll face consequences if you don't bring in a couple of those companies this year.  I'm very serious about this."

For 2014, set a goal to become more of a helping / coaching manager than a lecturing / intimidating manager.  Partner with the sales representatives as you ask them to improve their performance in a given area. Work with them to accomplish sales goals.

As an example, let's look at an exchange between president (manager) and salesperson regarding cold calling:

Lecturing / Intimidating

"You've got to cold call.  You lost accounts in your territory last year and had no new business to replace that sales revenue.  I want to see a lot of new business this year and I mean it.  I can't afford to keep you on the team if you can't open new accounts."

Helping / Coaching

"This last year, you lost 10 customers in your territory - one large, three medium-sized and six smaller accounts.  Unfortunately, with little prospecting activity, you had no new business to replace those clients. This situation is serious. Companies lose market share and go into decline when salespeople don't bring in new accounts."

Ask Questions

  • How do you go about cold calling currently?
  • What percentage of your time is spent cold calling?
  • How do you determine who to call?
  • What about cold calling makes you feel uncomfortable?
  • How can I help you?

Lay Out a Plan

"It seems like you did very little prospecting this year.  I think Barbara does the best job of cold calling at our company.  I've spoken to her about this and I'd like you to work with her for at least two days this month. Sit with her and listen to her calls. Accompany her when she meets with or makes a presentation to a new prospect.  Ask her about what you observe. In addition, please research books on cold calling.  Pick out a few that look good to you."

Remain Involved

"Let's meet again in two weeks.  By that time you'll have worked with Barbara at least once and have a list of cold calling books for us to discuss.  When we talk, I'd like the two of us to work together to assemble a list of prospects as well as set cold calling and new business revenue goals for 2014."

Rep's Reaction

Presidents and owners worry that reps won't take them seriously if they don't make a speech, yell, shake their fist, coerce or browbeat them.  Remember, the reps have grown accustomed to the dramatics.  By handling the discussion as more of a mentor / coach, you demonstrate how serious you are.  You do that through asking questions, listening, making suggestions, giving your time and showing support. 

When you use this new style, reps pay more not less attention. Rest assured, the salesperson gets the message. To stay with the organization they must prospect for and close new business - end of story.

When leaders manager by "getting tough" then waiting to see if the rep improves their performance, they tend to let reps remain with the company longer.  Ironically, most leaders discover when they've invested some time in a rep and things don't work out, they find it easier to put them on warning and eventually terminate them.

Going Forward

If this rep works hard and starts bringing in new business, you might want to send them to an advanced training course on prospecting.  You could set up a special contest that rewards their cold calling efforts.  Many possibilities exist, provided they put in the effort.  Meet with them regularly and hold them accountable to their goals. Compliment them on improvements they make.

You have a right to expect certain things from a rep (increasing business within existing accounts, opening up new vertical markets, selling the entire product line, and yes - opening new accounts).  Think about the salesperson you're most upset or disappointed with. Before you give up (or blow up) ask questions, offer assistance - be on their side.  See how it works out. 

My Blog

Earlier this year, I launched a blog to complement the longer articles I write in Sales Management Tips.  Check it out from the blog link on my website.

The Accidental Sales Manager Guide to Hiring

Available on my website, "The Accidental Sales Manager Guide to Hiring" summarizes the pre-hire process recommended in "The Accidental Sales Manager."

Managing Sales Efforts in Close Quarters

A client asks, "I am a sales manager at a small start-up company. Our office space is tight and we all sit in cubicles. No one has a private office. Because of this, there is a very casual style of communication. Virtually the entire office eats lunch together every day. I sometimes find it hard to feel like a sales manager or much of an authority figure at all. Any suggestions?"

You are wise to observe the problems that very small office accommodations can cause. Let's look at a few changes you can make to separate yourself a little bit from the people that you manage.

Hold Regular Meetings

Many of my clients who work in offices similar to the one that you describe forgo regular staff meetings because they don't have any place to hold them and "everyone hears what’s going on anyway." This leads to people misinterpreting what has been said or making their own rules. Either way, it isn't good.

Hold a regular weekly staff meeting with a formal agenda at a regular place and time. If there is no conference room, talk to your building manager and ask if there is a common conference room available for tenants or see if another company would let you borrow theirs for a nominal fee. If neither of these suggestions work, pull your chairs together in a corner. Somehow make it a separate and distinct event.

Find a Place for One-on-Ones

Similarly, there are many times a sales manager needs to have a one-on-one conversation with a salesperson. Find a location where you can have these talks when needed.

Curtail Cubicle Shouting

If someone shouts a question at you, resist the temptation to shout the answer back. Instead, ask them to come to your cubicle to discuss it. Say something like, "That's a great question. Come on over for a minute and let's chat about it." If possible, keep a chair or two by your desk to encourage this.

Set Policies and Procedures

Anxious to bring on new business and sometimes hesitant to foist too much of a stuffy corporate culture on the organization, many sales managers at start-ups resist having a policies and procedures manual for the sales organization. While a notebook-sized document may not be necessary, some guidelines are appropriate, especially when it comes to such topics as pricing, discounts, terms of payment, renewals, territories, leads, inbound calls, and commissions.

Having a "make it up as we go" culture undermines your authority by leading sales representatives to believe that if they present you with a compelling enough argument, anything can be negotiated.


If you managed 7 or 8 sales representatives, had lunch with only 2 or 3 of them on a regular basis, and other salespeople felt excluded from this activity, you would be perceived as showing favoritism. However, if the whole office eats together, the atmosphere is fairly collegial and the topics of conversation are appropriate, I wouldn't worry too much about it.

Working in close physical proximity to the employees you are charged with managing can have its complications. By following these suggestions, you will feel like you have created a little space (figuratively) and have regained your authority.

One Conversation Isn't Enough to Alter Behavior

A client asks, "Recently I had a discussion with one of my salespeople about a habit of theirs that was impacting productivity and making others in the office uncomfortable. After our talk, which went very well, there was a noticeable improvement in their behavior. In the past several weeks, much to my surprise, they are back to their old ways. I was very prepared for this discussion. Why did this happen? What did I do wrong? What can I do about it?"

When they notice a problem with a salesperson, many managers spend considerable time thinking about the situation, documenting offenses, discussing the issue with others, receiving counsel from Human Resources, and maybe even doing a little role playing before speaking with the offending employee. They are often pleasantly surprised at how well the discussion goes, and based on this result alone feel the matter is closed. After some time has passed, they are discouraged to discover that the matter is right back on their to do list.

Let's look at that initial conversation as well as some strategies that will ensure a better result the next time around.

Be realistic

Naturally the discussion with the salesperson went well. You are their boss, you were thoroughly prepared for the meeting, and you were armed with the facts. Of course they agreed to stop doing whatever it is you asked them to stop doing; what choice did they have?

Be practical

They have probably been spoken to about this issue before by other employers or colleagues. They might be practiced in agreeing that this is something that cannot continue.

Be sensible

This is a bad habit so it's unlikely that they will stop it completely. Look to significantly curtail or decrease the incidents.

Be specific

Let them know how frequently they do this and when it is the most annoying. Talk about patterns of behavior and brainstorm with them to come up with solutions to mitigate this issue.

Be proactive

Schedule a weekly meeting with them for the next six weeks in a row to talk about the progress they are making. This will signal to them that you are serious about solving this problem.

Be honest

Tell them what might happen if they cannot keep this issue under control.

By setting the expectation, during the meeting, that this will be an ongoing conversation until the matter is resolved, you will increase your chances for success. It is more work, but you will not be lulled into a false sense of security that this problem has been solved after the first conversation.

Friendship Impedes Decision-making

A client asks, "After a long period of poor sales performance, repeated discussions, and multiple attempts at helping him, I have decided to terminate the employment of one of my salespeople. The problem is that we are close personal friends, our wives are close friends, we socialize as couples, and our children know each other. My uncertainty about how to handle the friendship going forward is keeping me from following through on what I know to be the right decision for this salesperson and the company."

First, you seem to have done quite a lot for this individual to try and help him succeed on the job. For that you are to be commended. You also seem to realize the deleterious effect a poorly performing salesperson kept on the payroll will have on the rest of your sales staff. If you do not act, you relationship will be seen by the rest of the sales team as more important than the success of your business. Terminating your friend and colleague will be very difficult. Here are some suggestions for making this awkward situation a little more bearable.

Provide transitional support

Because this person is very important to you, provide the things that will genuinely help him through this painful transition period in his life. This could include: a generous severance package, health care coverage, commissions on unclosed business for a designated period, career counseling, and outplacement services.

Open your rolodex

If you know that this person is not appropriate for a sales position, don't risk your reputation or jeopardize his future by helping him to find another sales job. His stay at the next company will be brief and he will be out job hunting again. But do tell him that once he has some potential career paths in mind, perhaps after he has worked with a career counselor, that you will be happy to introduce him to anyone you know that can help him.

Take a break and then reach out

No matter how the person reacts to their termination, let some time pass before you initiate contact, but assure him that he should feel comfortable contacting you at any time. Once he's settled in to outplacement or you have heard that he is going on some interviews, give him a call. Be supportive and upbeat when you speak to him but don’t make social plans. Reiterate your offer to make introductions.

You might be surprised

Though some people struggle for quite some time to find themselves after a termination, many of my clients are shocked to find that their long-time employee immediately started a business they had been interested in for years or enthusiastically pursued a totally unrelated career path. They often wonder why this person didn't do it years before and realize that fear, inertia, or security kept him in a position that he was ill suited for.

Be prepared to say goodbye

Many people who form close friendships with colleagues are surprised to find that the relationships fade when they no longer work together. This happens even when they leave a job amicably under positive circumstances. Your friend may have formed a friendship with you to protect his job or the embarrassment of being let go may make it impossible for him to feel truly relaxed around you again. There is no way to predict what will happen.

Some of my clients find that once they no longer see the person daily, they have no interest in maintaining the friendship. Others find that they genuinely miss this individual and would like to resume the friendship. I advise them to have lunch with their former colleague and see if they really enjoy the other person’s company. If they do, they can start rebuilding the friendship. If it's strained, they can more easily accept that it is time to move on.